天马行空 发表于 2024-6-13 11:11:51


1>------ 已启动生成:项目: SurfaceFitting, 配置: Debug Win32 ------
1>Compiling with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler XE ...
1>fortcom: Fatal: There has been an internal compiler error (C0000005).
1>compilation aborted for E:\IVF_File\SurfaceFitting\SurfaceFitting\SurfaceFitting.f90 (code 1)
1>Build log written to"file://E:\IVF_File\SurfaceFitting\SurfaceFitting\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>SurfaceFitting - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== 生成:成功 0 个,失败 1 个,最新 0 个,跳过 0 个 ==========


fcode 发表于 2024-6-13 11:33:12


天马行空 发表于 2024-6-13 16:53:05

   program Test_SurfaceFitting
      INCLUDE 'link_fnl_shared.h'
      use numerical_libraries

      USE surface_fitting_int
      USE rand_int
      USE norm_int

      implicit none

! This is Example 1 for SURFACE_FITTING, tensor product
! B-splines approximation.Use the function
! exp(-x**2-y**2) on the square (0, 2) x (0, 2) for samples.
! The spline order is "nord" and the number of cells is
! "(ngrid-1)**2".There are "ndata" data values in the square.

      integer :: i
      integer, parameter :: ngrid=9, nord=4, ndegree=nord-1, &
      nbkpt=ngrid+2*ndegree, ndata = 2000, nvalues=100
      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: zero=0d0, one=1d0, two=2d0
      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: TOLERANCE=1d-3
      real(kind(1d0)), target :: spline_data (4, ndata), bkpt(nbkpt), &
             & coeff(ngrid+ndegree-1,ngrid+ndegree-1), delta, sizev, &
             & x(nvalues), y(nvalues), values(nvalues, nvalues)
      real(kind(1d0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)
      type (d_spline_knots) knotsx, knotsy

! Set Random Number generator seed
      integer iseed_par,lev_par

      iseed_par = 53976279

      call rand_gen(dummy_par,iopt=iopti_par)

! Generate random (x,y) pairs and evaluate the
! example exponential function at these values.   

! Define the knots for the tensor product data fitting problem.
      delta = two/(ngrid-1)
      bkpt(1:ndegree) = zero
      bkpt(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) =two

! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.

! Fit the data and obtain the coefficients.
      coeff = surface_fitting(spline_data, knotsx, knotsy)

! Evaluate the residual = spline - function
! at a grid of points inside the square.
      x=(/(i*delta,i=1,nvalues)/); y=x

      values=surface_values((/0,0/), x, y, knotsx, knotsy, coeff)-values
! Compute the R.M.S. error:
      sizev=norm(pack(values, (values == values)))/nvalues

      if (sizev <= TOLERANCE) then
         write (*,*) 'SURFACE_FITTING_EX1 Passed on pcdsms.'
         write(*,*) 'SURFACE_FITTING_EX1 ********** Failed on pcdsms **********'
      end if
end program

天马行空 发表于 2024-6-13 16:55:04

另外,怀疑是ISML版本的问题,我尝试了IMSL6.0,IMSL7.0两个版本,都是同样的问题,只要注释掉代码 :coeff = surface_fitting(spline_data, knotsx, knotsy) ,编译就可以通过,不知道是啥原因?路径和环境变量设置都是正确的;
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查看完整版本: 曲面拟合调用库函数问题