[Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 Private Declare Sub char_1 Lib "D:\try_vb\char_1\char_1_dll\char_1_dll\Debug\char_1_dll.dll" (ByVal char As String) Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim char As String char = "c:/desktop/aaa.txt" Text1.Text = char Call char_1(char) End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub 改为 [Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 subroutine char_1( pfilename ) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES stdcall,DLLEXPORT::char_1 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS:"char_1"::char_1 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: pfilename use String_Functions character(len=512)::pfilename character(len=512)::filename integer::ii ii=Clen(pfilename) filename=Ctrim(pfilename) open(unit=18,file="result_20170207",status='replace',action='write') write(18,*)"This is dll" write(18,*)filename(1:ii) write(18,*)"the third line" close(18) end subroutine MODULE String_Functions ! by David Frank [email]dave_frank@hotmail.com[/email] IMPLICIT NONE ! [url]http://home.earthlink.net/~dave_gemini/strings.f90[/url] ! Copy (generic) char array to string or string to char array ! Clen returns same as LEN unless last non-blank char = null ! Clen_trim returns same as LEN_TRIM " " ! Ctrim returns same as TRIM " " ! Count_Items in string that are blank or comma separated ! Reduce_Blanks in string to 1 blank between items, last char not blank ! Replace_Text in all occurances in string with replacement string ! Spack pack string's chars == extract string's chars ! Tally occurances in string of text arg ! Translate text arg via indexed code table ! Upper/Lower case the text arg INTERFACE Copy ! generic MODULE PROCEDURE copy_a2s, copy_s2a END INTERFACE Copy CONTAINS ! ------------------------ PURE FUNCTION Copy_a2s(a) RESULT (s) ! copy char array to string CHARACTER,INTENT(IN) :: a(:) CHARACTER(SIZE(a)) :: s INTEGER :: i DO i = 1,SIZE(a) s(i:i) = a(i) END DO END FUNCTION Copy_a2s ! ------------------------ PURE FUNCTION Copy_s2a(s) RESULT (a) ! copy s(1:Clen(s)) to char array CHARACTER(*),INTENT(IN) :: s CHARACTER :: a(LEN(s)) INTEGER :: i DO i = 1,LEN(s) a(i) = s(i:i) END DO END FUNCTION Copy_s2a ! ------------------------ PURE INTEGER FUNCTION Clen(s) ! returns same result as LEN unless: CHARACTER(*),INTENT(IN) :: s ! last non-blank char is null INTEGER :: i Clen = LEN(s) i = LEN_TRIM(s) IF (s(i:i) == CHAR(0)) Clen = i-1 ! len of C string END FUNCTION Clen ! ------------------------ PURE INTEGER FUNCTION Clen_trim(s) ! returns same result as LEN_TRIM unless: CHARACTER(*),INTENT(IN) :: s ! last char non-blank is null, if true: INTEGER :: i ! then len of C string is returned, note: ! Ctrim is only user of this function i = LEN_TRIM(s) ; Clen_trim = i IF (s(i:i) == CHAR(0)) Clen_trim = Clen(s) ! len of C string END FUNCTION Clen_trim ! ---------------- FUNCTION Ctrim(s1) RESULT(s2) ! returns same result as TRIM unless: CHARACTER(*),INTENT(IN) :: s1 ! last non-blank char is null in which CHARACTER(Clen_trim(s1)) :: s2 ! case trailing blanks prior to null s2 = s1 ! are output END FUNCTION Ctrim ! -------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION Count_Items(s1) ! in string or C string that are blank or comma separated CHARACTER(*) :: s1 CHARACTER(Clen(s1)) :: s INTEGER :: i, k s = s1 ! remove possible last char null k = 0 ; IF (s /= ' ') k = 1 ! string has at least 1 item DO i = 1,LEN_TRIM(s)-1 IF (s(i:i) /= ' '.AND.s(i:i) /= ',' & .AND.s(i+1:i+1) == ' '.OR.s(i+1:i+1) == ',') k = k+1 END DO Count_Items = k END FUNCTION Count_Items ! -------------------- FUNCTION Reduce_Blanks(s) RESULT (outs) CHARACTER(*) :: s CHARACTER(LEN_TRIM(s)) :: outs INTEGER :: i, k, n n = 0 ; k = LEN_TRIM(s) ! k=index last non-blank (may be null) DO i = 1,k-1 ! dont process last char yet n = n+1 ; outs(n:n) = s(i:i) IF (s(i:i+1) == ' ') n = n-1 ! backup/discard consecutive output blank END DO n = n+1 ; outs(n:n) = s(k:k) ! last non-blank char output (may be null) IF (n < k) outs(n+1:) = ' ' ! pad trailing blanks END FUNCTION Reduce_Blanks ! ------------------ FUNCTION Replace_Text (s,text,rep) RESULT(outs) CHARACTER(*) :: s,text,rep CHARACTER(LEN(s)+100) :: outs ! provide outs with extra 100 char len INTEGER :: i, nt, nr outs = s ; nt = LEN_TRIM(text) ; nr = LEN_TRIM(rep) DO i = INDEX(outs,text(:nt)) ; IF (i == 0) EXIT outs = outs(:i-1) // rep(:nr) // outs(i+nt:) END DO END FUNCTION Replace_Text ! --------------------------------- FUNCTION Spack (s,ex) RESULT (outs) CHARACTER(*) :: s,ex CHARACTER(LEN(s)) :: outs CHARACTER :: aex(LEN(ex)) ! array of ex chars to extract INTEGER :: i, n n = 0 ; aex = Copy(ex) DO i = 1,LEN(s) IF (.NOT.ANY(s(i:i) == aex)) CYCLE ! dont pack char n = n+1 ; outs(n:n) = s(i:i) END DO outs(n+1:) = ' ' ! pad with trailing blanks END FUNCTION Spack ! -------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION Tally (s,text) CHARACTER(*) :: s, text INTEGER :: i, nt Tally = 0 ; nt = LEN_TRIM(text) DO i = 1,LEN(s)-nt+1 IF (s(i:i+nt-1) == text(:nt)) Tally = Tally+1 END DO END FUNCTION Tally ! --------------------------------- FUNCTION Translate(s1,codes) RESULT (s2) CHARACTER(*) :: s1, codes(2) CHARACTER(LEN(s1)) :: s2 CHARACTER :: ch INTEGER :: i, j DO i = 1,LEN(s1) ch = s1(i:i) j = INDEX(codes(1),ch) ; IF (j > 0) ch = codes(2)(j:j) s2(i:i) = ch END DO END FUNCTION Translate ! --------------------------------- FUNCTION Upper(s1) RESULT (s2) CHARACTER(*) :: s1 CHARACTER(LEN(s1)) :: s2 CHARACTER :: ch INTEGER,PARAMETER :: DUC = ICHAR('A') - ICHAR('a') INTEGER :: i DO i = 1,LEN(s1) ch = s1(i:i) IF (ch >= 'a'.AND.ch <= 'z') ch = CHAR(ICHAR(ch)+DUC) s2(i:i) = ch END DO END FUNCTION Upper ! --------------------------------- FUNCTION Lower(s1) RESULT (s2) CHARACTER(*) :: s1 CHARACTER(LEN(s1)) :: s2 CHARACTER :: ch INTEGER,PARAMETER :: DUC = ICHAR('A') - ICHAR('a') INTEGER :: i DO i = 1,LEN(s1) ch = s1(i:i) IF (ch >= 'A'.AND.ch <= 'Z') ch = CHAR(ICHAR(ch)-DUC) s2(i:i) = ch END DO END FUNCTION Lower END MODULE String_Functions |
对了,发在stackoverflow上的问题也得到了一个回复(他把module模块修改了下),试过也是可以的,也一并贴在这了。 Fortran的代码: ①主程序: [Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 subroutine char_2( pfilename ) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES stdcall,DLLEXPORT::char_2 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS:"char_2"::char_2 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: pfilename ②module: [Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 subroutine char_2( pfilename ) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::char_2 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS:"char_2"::char_2 |
ii=Clen(pfilename) 改为 use , intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding ii = index( pfilename , c_null_char ) pfilename( ii: ) = "" 删掉整个String_Functions 模块,没用 |
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