风平老涡 发表于 2020-9-23 19:02 我那个好像是fortran兼容问题,那个咋闹了? |
wx_yxZLpy1y 发表于 2020-9-23 11:03 建议按前面的提议(取消注释行)试一下。 |
风平老涡 发表于 2020-9-23 09:04 加个微信或qq方便请教 |
风平老涡 发表于 2020-9-23 09:04 [Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 subroutine int_force(itimestep,dt,ntotal,hsml,mass,vx,niac,rho, & eta,pair_i,pair_j,dwdx,u,itype,x,t,c,p,dvxdt,tdsdt,dedt) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Subroutine to calculate the internal forces on the right hand side c of the Navier-Stokes equations, i.e. the pressure gradient and the c gradient of the viscous stress tensor, used by the time integration. c Moreover the entropy production due to viscous dissipation, tds/dt, c and the change of internal energy per mass, de/dt, are calculated. c itimestep: Current timestep number [in] c dt : Time step [in] c ntotal : Number of particles [in] c hsml : Smoothing Length [in] c mass : Particle masses [in] c vx : Velocities of all particles [in] c niac : Number of interaction pairs [in] c rho : Density [in] c eta : Dynamic viscosity [in] c pair_i : List of first partner of interaction pair [in] c pair_j : List of second partner of interaction pair [in] c dwdx : Derivative of kernel with respect to x, y and z [in] c itype : Type of particle (material types) [in] c u : Particle internal energy [in] c x : Particle coordinates [in] c itype : Particle type [in] c t : Particle temperature [in/out] c c : Particle sound speed [out] c p : Particle pressure [out] c dvxdt : Acceleration with respect to x, y and z [out] c tdsdt : Production of viscous entropy [out] c dedt : Change of specific internal energy [out] implicit none include 'param.inc' integer itimestep, ntotal,niac,pair_i(max_interaction), & pair_j(max_interaction), itype(maxn) double precision dt, hsml(maxn), mass(maxn), vx(dim,maxn), & rho(maxn), eta(maxn), dwdx(dim,max_interaction), u(maxn), & x(dim,maxn), t(maxn), c(maxn), p(maxn), dvxdt(dim,maxn), & tdsdt(maxn),dedt(maxn) integer i, j, k, d double precision dvx(dim), txx(maxn), tyy(maxn), & tzz(maxn), txy(maxn), txz(maxn), tyz(maxn), vcc(maxn), & hxx, hyy, hzz, hxy, hxz, hyz, h, hvcc, he, rhoij c Initialization of shear tensor, velocity divergence, c viscous energy, internal energy, acceleration do i=1,ntotal txx(i) = 0.e0 tyy(i) = 0.e0 tzz(i) = 0.e0 txy(i) = 0.e0 txz(i) = 0.e0 tyz(i) = 0.e0 vcc(i) = 0.e0 tdsdt(i) = 0.e0 dedt(i) = 0.e0 do d=1,dim dvxdt(d,i) = 0.e0 enddo enddo c Calculate SPH sum for shear tensor Tab = va,b + vb,a - 2/3 delta_ab vc,c if (visc) then do k=1,niac i = pair_i(k) j = pair_j(k) do d=1,dim dvx(d) = vx(d,j) - vx(d,i) enddo if (dim.eq.1) then hxx = 2.e0*dvx(1)*dwdx(1,k) else if (dim.eq.2) then hxx = 2.e0*dvx(1)*dwdx(1,k) - dvx(2)*dwdx(2,k) hxy = dvx(1)*dwdx(2,k) + dvx(2)*dwdx(1,k) hyy = 2.e0*dvx(2)*dwdx(2,k) - dvx(1)*dwdx(1,k) endif hxx = 2.e0/3.e0*hxx hyy = 2.e0/3.e0*hyy hzz = 2.e0/3.e0*hzz if (dim.eq.1) then txx(i) = txx(i) + mass(j)*hxx/rho(j) txx(j) = txx(j) + mass(i)*hxx/rho(i) else if (dim.eq.2) then txx(i) = txx(i) + mass(j)*hxx/rho(j) txx(j) = txx(j) + mass(i)*hxx/rho(i) txy(i) = txy(i) + mass(j)*hxy/rho(j) txy(j) = txy(j) + mass(i)*hxy/rho(i) tyy(i) = tyy(i) + mass(j)*hyy/rho(j) tyy(j) = tyy(j) + mass(i)*hyy/rho(i) endif c Calculate SPH sum for vc,c = dvx/dx + dvy/dy + dvz/dz: hvcc = 0. do d=1,dim hvcc = hvcc + dvx(d)*dwdx(d,k) enddo vcc(i) = vcc(i) + mass(j)*hvcc/rho(j) vcc(j) = vcc(j) + mass(i)*hvcc/rho(i) enddo endif do i=1,ntotal c Viscous entropy Tds/dt = 1/2 eta/rho Tab Tab if (visc) then if (dim.eq.1) then tdsdt(i) = txx(i)*txx(i) else if (dim.eq.2) then tdsdt(i) = txx(i)*txx(i) + 2.e0*txy(i)*txy(i) & + tyy(i)*tyy(i) endif tdsdt(i) = 0.5e0*eta(i)/rho(i)*tdsdt(i) endif c Pressure from equation of state if (abs(itype(i)).eq.1) then call p_gas(rho(i), u(i), p(i),c(i)) else if (abs(itype(i)).eq.2) then call p_art_water(rho(i), p(i), c(i)) endif enddo c Calculate SPH sum for pressure force -p,a/rho c and viscous force (eta Tab),b/rho c and the internal energy change de/dt due to -p/rho vc,c do k=1,niac i = pair_i(k) j = pair_j(k) he = 0.e0 c For SPH algorithm 1 rhoij = 1.e0/(rho(i)*rho(j)) if(pa_sph.eq.1) then do d=1,dim c Pressure part h = -(p(i) + p(j))*dwdx(d,k) he = he + (vx(d,j) - vx(d,i))*h c Viscous force if (visc) then if (d.eq.1) then c x-coordinate of acceleration h = h + (eta(i)*txx(i) + eta(j)*txx(j))*dwdx(1,k) if (dim.ge.2) then h = h + (eta(i)*txy(i) + eta(j)*txy(j))*dwdx(2,k) endif endif elseif (d.eq.2) then c y-coordinate of acceleration h = h + (eta(i)*txy(i) + eta(j)*txy(j))*dwdx(1,k) & + (eta(i)*tyy(i) + eta(j)*tyy(j))*dwdx(2,k) endif ! endif h = h*rhoij dvxdt(d,i) = dvxdt(d,i) + mass(j)*h dvxdt(d,j) = dvxdt(d,j) - mass(i)*h enddo he = he*rhoij dedt(i) = dedt(i) + mass(j)*he dedt(j) = dedt(j) + mass(i)*he c For SPH algorithm 2 c else if (pa_sph.eq.2) then c do d=1,dim c h = -(p(i)/rho(i)**2 + p(j)/rho(j)**2)*dwdx(d,k) c he = he + (vx(d,j) - vx(d,i))*h c Viscous force if (visc) then if (d.eq.1) then c x-coordinate of acceleration h = h + (eta(i)*txx(i)/rho(i)**2 + & eta(j)*txx(j)/rho(j)**2)*dwdx(1,k) if (dim.ge.2) then h = h + (eta(i)*txy(i)/rho(i)**2 + & eta(j)*txy(j)/rho(j)**2)*dwdx(2,k) if (dim.eq.3) then h = h + (eta(i)*txz(i)/rho(i)**2 + & eta(j)*txz(j)/rho(j)**2)*dwdx(3,k) endif endif elseif (d.eq.2) then c y-coordinate of acceleration h = h + (eta(i)*txy(i)/rho(i)**2 & + eta(j)*txy(j)/rho(j)**2)*dwdx(1,k) & + (eta(i)*tyy(i)/rho(i)**2 & + eta(j)*tyy(j)/rho(j)**2)*dwdx(2,k) endif endif dvxdt(d,i) = dvxdt(d,i) + mass(j)*h dvxdt(d,j) = dvxdt(d,j) - mass(i)*h c enddo dedt(i) = dedt(i) + mass(j)*he dedt(j) = dedt(j) + mass(i)*he c endif c enddo c Change of specific internal energy de/dt = T ds/dt - p/rho vc,c: do i=1,ntotal dedt(i) = tdsdt(i) + 0.5e0*dedt(i) enddo end |
wx_yxZLpy1y 发表于 2020-9-23 08:38 把你改过的,再贴出来。 |
风平老涡 发表于 2020-9-23 01:30 程序还是跑不起来呀,可以加微信么? |
wx_yxZLpy1y 发表于 2020-9-22 21:53 网上交流,大家受益。 |
可以加你微信么,方便请教 |
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