[Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 !*****节点应变的有限元计算,该程序参考曾攀的《有限元分析及应用》中的有限元程序编得,
Subroutine disp(x, y, mel, ak, stsmel, ijku)
!*****MEL 单元节点编号数组,X,Y 节点坐标数组,AK 整体刚度矩阵,JR 节点约束信息,P 节点载荷
!*****IJKU STSMEL 单元应变,STSNP 节点应变
Dimension mel(5000, 3), x(5000), y(5000), u(5000, 3), p(5000, 3), ijku(5000, 3), ren(5000), ak(5000, 5000), stsmel(5000, 3), stsnp(5000, 3), jr(5000, 3)
Common /ca/np, ne, nr, nl, band, ndof
Common /cb/c11, c12, c44, q11, q12, q44
Common /cc/n, m, time, h, hx, hy
Call form(nload, mel, x, y, resul, ae)
Call dobc(ijku, ak, resul)
Call slove(ak, resul)
Call calsts(mel, x, y, resul, stsnd)
End Subroutine disp
错误 1 error #7836: If the actual argument is scalar, the corresponding dummy argument shall be scalar unless the actual argument is an element of an array that is not an assumed-shape or pointer array, or a substring of such an element. [RESUL] d:\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Console4\Console4\disp.f90 17
错误 2 error #7836: If the actual argument is scalar, the corresponding dummy argument shall be scalar unless the actual argument is an element of an array that is not an assumed-shape or pointer array, or a substring of such an element. [STSND] d:\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Console4\Console4\disp.f90 17
错误 3 Compilation Aborted (code 1) d:\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Console4\Console4\disp.f90 1