本帖最后由 sit2018 于 2018-5-27 23:20 编辑
编译器:compaq visual fortran 6.6
--------------------Configuration: hello - Win32 Debug--------------------
Compiling Fortran...
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\hello\hello.f90
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\hello\hello.f90(33) : Error: This is an actual argument keyword name, and not a dummy argument name. [XGUESS]
call neqnf(fcn, x, XGUESS=xguess, FNORM=fnorm)
Error executing df.exe.
hello.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
program hello
use imsl
implicit none
integer n
parameter (n = 3)
integer k, nout
real fnorm, x(n), xguess(n)
external fcn
data xguess/4.0, 4.0, 4.0/
call umach (2,nout)
call neqnf(fcn, x, XGUESS=xguess, FNORM=fnorm)
write (nout, 99999) (x(k),k=1,n), fnorm
99999 format (' the solution to the system is', /, ' x = (', 3f5.1, &
')', /, ' with fnorm = ', f5.4, //)
end program hello
subroutine fcn(x,f,n)
integer n
real x(n), f(n)
real exp,sin
intrinsic exp, sin
f(1) = x(1)+exp(x(1)-1.0)+(x(2)+x(3))*(x(2)+x(3)) -27.0
f(2) = exp(x(2)-2.0)/x(1)+x(3)*x(3)-10.0
f(3) = x(3)+sin(x(2)-2.0)+x(2)*x(2)-7.0
end subroutine fcn