[Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 module matixsol
implicit none
c matrix solving program
c 2024.1.18
c type|variable | description
c i |mata| linear coefficient matrix
c i |matb| constant array
c o |matx| element array
c the matrixs must be full rank
subroutine matsolve(mata,matb,matx)
implicit none
c input/output
real*8 :: mata(:,:)
real*8 :: matb(:)
real*8 :: matx(:)
c temporary variates
real*8,allocatable :: matl(:,:)
real*8,allocatable :: matu(:,:)
real*8,allocatable :: maty(:)
integer*4 :: numb
integer*4 :: cycl
numb = size( matb )
allocate( matl(numb,numb) )
allocate( matu(numb,numb) )
allocate( maty(numb) )
c initialize
matl = 0.0
matu = 0.0
maty = 0.0
c LU decomposition of matrix
matu(1 , 1:numb) = mata(1 , 1:numb)
matl(1:numb , 1) = mata(1:numb , 1) / matu(1 , 1)
do cycl = 2 , numb
matu(cycl , cycl:numb) = mata(cycl , cycl:numb)
& - matmul(matl(cycl , 1:cycl-1)
& , matu(1:cycl-1 , cycl:numb))
if (cycl .le. numb) then
matl(cycl:numb , cycl) = (mata(cycl : numb , cycl)
& - matmul(matl(cycl:numb
& , 1:cycl-1) , matu( 1:cycl-1
& , cycl))) / matu(cycl , cycl)
end if
end do
c solve Uy=b
maty(1) = matb(1)
do cycl = 2 , numb
maty(cycl) = matb(cycl) - dot_product(matl(cycl , 1:cycl-1)
& , maty(1:cycl-1))
end do
c solve Ux=y
matx(numb) = maty(numb) / matu(numb , numb)
do cycl = numb-1 , 1 , -1
matx(cycl) = (maty(cycl) - dot_product( matu(cycl , cycl + 1
& : numb),matx(cycl + 1 : numb))) / matu(cycl,cycl)
end do
end subroutine matsolve
end module matixsol
这是我之前写的LU的代码,里面也没有换行的操作 |