这是chapman书里指针一章的一道作业,大致就是用链表来做插入排序。我实现了一个link list type,这个type 的定义如下
[Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 type :: char_node
character(len=:), pointer :: value
type(char_node), pointer :: next_value
end type char_node
然后重载了几个计算符(> < ==)
[Fortran] 纯文本查看 复制代码 program insertion
use link_list
implicit none
type(char_node), pointer :: head, tail, ptr, ptr1, ptr2
integer :: istat
integer :: nvals = 0
character(len=128) :: temp
character(len=20) :: filename
write (*,*) 'Enter the file name of data to be sorted: '
read (*,'(a20)') filename
open (unit=9,file=filename, status = 'old', action = 'read', &
fileopen: if (istat == 0) then
input: do
read (9, *, iostat=istat) temp
if (istat /= 0) exit input
nvals = nvals + 1
allocate(ptr, stat=istat)
allocate(character(len_trim(adjustl(temp))) :: ptr%value, stat=istat)
ptr%value = trim(adjustl(temp))
new : if (.not. associated(head)) then
head => ptr
tail => head
nullify (ptr%next_value)
front : if(ptr < head) then
ptr%next_value => head
head => ptr
else if (ptr > tail .or. ptr == tail) then
tail%next_value => ptr
tail => ptr
! find place to add the value
ptr1 => head
ptr2 => ptr1%next_value
search: do
if ((ptr>ptr1 .or. ptr==ptr1) .and. (ptr<ptr2)) then
! insert the value here
ptr%next_value => ptr2
ptr1%next_value => ptr
exit search
end if
ptr1 => ptr2
ptr2 => ptr2%next_value
end do search
end if front
end if new
end do input
ptr => head
output : do
if (.not. associated(ptr)) exit
write (*,'(1x,a,i3)') ptr%value, len(ptr%value)
ptr => ptr%next_value
end do output
else fileopen
write (*,'(1x,a,i6)') 'File open failed -- status =', istat
end if fileopen
end program insertion
程序能够正常排序,但是每个链表里字符串指针的长度都是128 与 temp字符串相符。为什么我用allocate动态空间的字符串长度还是128?