Analysis initiated from SIMULIA established products
Abaqus JOB Job-QXPWJ2001
Abaqus 2023
Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses:
Abaqus/Explicit checked out 8 tokens from Flexnet server localhost.
<9991 out of 9999 licenses remain available>.
Begin Compiling Single Precision Abaqus/Explicit User Subroutines
2024/8/24 13:21:52
Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.11.1 Build 20231117_000000
Copyright (C) 1985-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
ifort: remark #10448: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) is now deprecated and will be discontinued late 2024. Intel recommends that customers transition now to using the LLVM-based Intel(R) Fortran Compiler (ifx) for continued Windows* and Linux* support, new language support, new language features, and optimizations. Use '/Qdiag-disable:10448' to disable this message.
uniFiber(1).f(1): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ) * <IDENTIFIER>
subroutine vumat(
uniFiber(1).f(2): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'READ' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
c Read only -
uniFiber(1).f(3): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
1 nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nfieldv, nprops, lanneal,
uniFiber(1).f(3): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: :: ( : * <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> ...
1 nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nfieldv, nprops, lanneal,
uniFiber(1).f(4): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
2 stepTime, totalTime, dt, cmname, coordMp, charLength,
uniFiber(1).f(4): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: :: ( : * <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> ...
2 stepTime, totalTime, dt, cmname, coordMp, charLength,
uniFiber(1).f(5): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
3 props, density, strainInc, relSpinInc,
uniFiber(1).f(5): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: :: ( : * <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> ...
3 props, density, strainInc, relSpinInc,
uniFiber(1).f(6): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
4 tempOld, stretchOld, defgradOld, fieldOld,
uniFiber(1).f(6): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: :: ( : * <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> ...
4 tempOld, stretchOld, defgradOld, fieldOld,
uniFiber(1).f(7): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
5 stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld,
uniFiber(1).f(7): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: :: ( : * <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> ...
5 stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld,
uniFiber(1).f(8): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
6 tempNew, stretchNew, defgradNew, fieldNew,
uniFiber(1).f(8): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: :: ( : * <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> ...
6 tempNew, stretchNew, defgradNew, fieldNew,
uniFiber(1).f(9): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'WRITE' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
c Write only -
uniFiber(1).f(10): error #5276: Unbalanced parentheses
7 stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew )
uniFiber(1).f(10): error #5082: Syntax error, found ',' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
7 stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew )
uniFiber(1).f(10): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( % . = =>
7 stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew )
uniFiber(1).f(11): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
uniFiber(1).f(13): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
uniFiber(1).f(14): error #5143: Missing mandatory separating blank
c 3D Orthotropic Elasticity with Hashin 3d Failure criterion
uniFiber(1).f(14): error #5143: Missing mandatory separating blank
c 3D Orthotropic Elasticity with Hashin 3d Failure criterion
uniFiber(1).f(14): error #5082: Syntax error, found INTEGER_CONSTANT '3' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
c 3D Orthotropic Elasticity with Hashin 3d Failure criterion
uniFiber(1).f(15): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
uniFiber(1).f(16): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'THE' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
c The state variables are stored as:
uniFiber(1).f(17): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'STATE' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
c state(*,1) = material point status
uniFiber(1).f(17): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'POINT' when expecting one of: :: ) ( , : * <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; . % (/ + - [ ] /) . ** / // ...
c state(*,1) = material point status
uniFiber(1).f(18): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'STATE' when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
c state(*,2:7) = damping stresses
uniFiber(1).f(18): error #5082: Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'STRESSES' when expecting one of: :: ) ( , : * <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; . % (/ + - [ ] /) . ** / // ...
c state(*,2:7) = damping stresses
uniFiber(1).f(19): error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = =>
C:\Users\HKPJ\AppData\Local\Temp\1976024.i(33): catastrophic error: Too many errors, exiting
compilation aborted for uniFiber(1).f (code 1)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting