
楼主 |
发表于 2015-4-11 17:02:45
!! Intrinsic: Max, Min
!! SWAT: pmeas, tmeas, smeas, hmeas, wmeas
!! SWAT: pgen, tgen, weatgn, clgen, slrgen, rhgen, wndgen
!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
use parm
integer :: k, inum3sprev, npcpbsb, ii, iyp, idap, ib
real :: tmxbsb, tmnbsb, rbsb, rhdbsb, rabsb, u10bsb, rmxbsb
real :: daylbsb, fradbsb(24), tdif, pdif, ratio
! real, dimension (:), allocatable :: rhrbsb, rstpbsb
! if (nstep > 0) then
! allocate (rstpbsb(nstep))
! allocate (rhrbsb(24))
! end if
!! Precipitation: Measured !!
if (pcpsim == 1) call pmeas
!! Temperature: Measured !!
if (tmpsim == 1) call tmeas
!! Solar Radiation: Measured !!
if (slrsim == 1) call smeas
!! Relative Humidity: Measured !!
if (rhsim == 1) call hmeas
!! Wind Speed: Measured !!
if (wndsim == 1 .and. ipet == 1) call wmeas
!! Potential ET: Read in data !!
if (ipet == 3) then
if (ifirstpet == 0) then
read (140,5100) petmeas
ifirstpet = 0
iyp = 0
idap = 0
read (140,5000) iyp, idap, petmeas
if (iyp == iyr .and. idap == id1) exit
end do
end if
end if
!! CO2:Read in data!!
open (199,file="co2measfile")
iyp = 0
idap = 0
read (199,5000) iyp, idap, co2meas
if (iyp == iyr .and. idap == id1) exit
end do
!! Generate Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Radiation
!! Precipitation and Temperature if = 2
inum3sprev = 0
do k = 1, nhru
!! use same generated data for all HRUs in a subbasin
if (hru_sub(k) == inum3sprev .and. hru_sub(k) /= 0) then
if (tmpsim == 2) then
tmx(k) = tmxbsb
tmn(k) = tmnbsb
end if
if (pcpsim == 2) then
subp(k) = rbsb
if (ievent > 1) then
do l = 1, 24
hhsubp(k,l) = rhrbsb(l)
end do
do l = 1, nstep
rainsub(k,l) = rstpbsb(l)
end do
end if
end if
if (rhsim == 2) rhd(k) = rhdbsb
if (slrsim == 2) then
hru_ra(k) = rabsb
hru_rmx(k) = rmxbsb
dayl(k) = daylbsb
npcp(k) = npcpbsb
do ii = 1, 24
frad(k,ii) = fradbsb(ii)
end do
end if
if (wndsim == 2) u10(k) = u10bsb
if (pcpsim == 2) call pgen(k)
if (tmpsim == 2) then
call weatgn(k)
call tgen(k)
end if
if (slrsim == 2) then
call clgen(k)
call slrgen(k)
end if
if (rhsim == 2) call rhgen(k)
if (ipet == 1) then
if (wndsim == 2) call wndgen(k)
end if
!! set subbasin generated values
inum3sprev = 0
tmxbsb = 0.
tmnbsb = 0.
rbsb = 0.
rhdbsb = 0.
rabsb = 0.
rmxbsb = 0.
daylbsb = 0.
npcpbsb = 0
u10bsb = 0.
fradbsb = 0.
inum3sprev = hru_sub(k)
tmxbsb = tmx(k)
tmnbsb = tmn(k)
rbsb = subp(k)
if (ievent > 1) then
rhrbsb = 0.
rstpbsb = 0.
do l = 1, 24
rhrbsb(l) = hhsubp(k,l)
end do
do l = 1, nstep
rstpbsb(l) = rainsub(k,l)
end do
end if
rhdbsb = rhd(k)
rabsb = hru_ra(k)
rmxbsb = hru_rmx(k)
daylbsb = dayl(k)
npcpbsb = npcp(k)
u10bsb = u10(k)
do ii = 1, 24
fradbsb(ii) = frad(k,ii)
end do
end if
tmpav(k) = (tmx(k) + tmn(k)) / 2.
end do
!! Climate Change Adjustments !!
do k = 1, nhru
subp(k) = subp(k) * (1. + rfinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo) / 100.)
if (subp(k) < 0.) subp(k) = 0.
if (nstep > 0) then
do ii = 1, nstep
rainsub(k,ii) = rainsub(k,ii) * &
& (1. + rfinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo) / 100.)
if (rainsub(k,ii) < 0.) rainsub(k,ii) = 0.
end do
do ii = 1, 24
hhsubp(k,ii) = hhsubp(k,ii) * &
& (1. + rfinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo) / 100.)
if (hhsubp(k,ii) < 0.) hhsubp(k,ii) = 0.
end do
end if
tmx(k) = tmx(k) + tmpinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo)
tmn(k) = tmn(k) + tmpinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo)
tmpav(k) = tmpav(k) + tmpinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo)
hru_ra(k) = hru_ra(k) + radinc(hru_sub(k),i_mo)
hru_ra(k) = Max(0.,hru_ra(k))
rhd(k) = rhd(k) + huminc(hru_sub(k),i_mo)
rhd(k) = Max(0.01,rhd(k))
rhd(k) = Min(0.99,rhd(k))
end do
!! Elevation Adjustments !!
do k = 1, nhru
if (elevb(1,hru_sub(k)) > 0. .and. &
& elevb_fr(1,hru_sub(k)) > 0.) then
!! determine temperature and precipitation for individual bands
ratio = 0.
do ib = 1, 10
if (elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k)) < 0.) exit
tdif = 0.
pdif = 0.
if (tmpsim == 1) then
tdif = (elevb(ib,hru_sub(k)) - &
& Real(elevt(itgage(hru_sub(k))))) * tlaps(hru_sub(k)) / 1000.
tdif = (elevb(ib,hru_sub(k)) - welev(hru_sub(k))) &
& * tlaps(hru_sub(k)) / 1000.
end if
if (pcpsim == 1) then
pdif = (elevb(ib,hru_sub(k)) - &
& Real(elevp(irgage(hru_sub(k))))) * plaps(hru_sub(k)) / 1000.
pdif = (elevb(ib,hru_sub(k)) - welev(hru_sub(k))) &
& * plaps(hru_sub(k)) / 1000.
end if
tavband(ib,k) = tmpav(k) + tdif
tmxband(ib,k) = tmx(k) + tdif
tmnband(ib,k) = tmn(k) + tdif
if (subp(k) > 0.01) then
pcpband(ib,k) = subp(k) + pdif
if (pcpband(ib,k) < 0.) pcpband(ib,k) = 0.
end if
ratio = ratio + pdif * elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k))
end do
!! determine fraction change in precipitation for HRU
if (subp(k) >= 0.01) then
ratio = ratio / subp(k)
ratio = 0.
end if
!! determine new overall temperature and precipitation values
!! for HRU
tmpav(k) = 0.
tmx(k) = 0.
tmn(k) = 0.
subp(k) = 0.
do ib = 1, 10
if (elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k)) < 0.) exit
tmpav(k) = tmpav(k) + tavband(ib,k) * elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k))
tmx(k) = tmx(k) + tmxband(ib,k) * elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k))
tmn(k) = tmn(k) + tmnband(ib,k) * elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k))
subp(k) = subp(k) + pcpband(ib,k) * elevb_fr(ib,hru_sub(k))
end do
if (nstep > 0) then
do ii = 1, nstep
if (rainsub(k,ii) > 0.01) then
rainsub(k,ii) = rainsub(k,ii) + ratio * rainsub(k,ii)
if (rainsub(k,ii) < 0.) rainsub(k,ii) = 0.
end if
end do
do ii = 1, 24
if (hhsubp(k,ii) > 0.01) then
hhsubp(k,ii) = hhsubp(k,ii) + ratio * hhsubp(k,ii)
if (hhsubp(k,ii) < 0.) hhsubp(k,ii) = 0.
end if
end do
end if
end if
end do
! if (nstep > 0) then
! deallocate (rhrbsb)
! deallocate (rstpbsb)
! end if
5000 format (i4,i3,f5.1)
5100 format (7x,f5.1)